Our news

Here you will access the latest news of Alsace Réseau Neutre, they can be general assembly reports, blog posts, pieces of information forwarded by the association to its members, or the newsletter.

La newsletter d’Alsace Réseau Neutre. Première publication de l'année 2022. les sujets principaux seront une recherche de volontaires pour tester les accès internets, la recherche de bénévole pour prendre part au fonctionnement de l'association et un retour sur la conférence zéro déchet de Strasbour...
Full credit to Résistance à l’Agression Publicitaire Advertising on social media is not an unbiased tool. Like other advertising mediums, their use implies receipt of unsolicited commercial advertising on the user. As a matter of fact, these media portray users and trade their personal information...
On the 10th of March, will be held the trial of Jules, an activist from Strasbourg.for refusing to give his DNA and fingerprints while in police custody from which he has been released for refusing to give his DNA and fingerprints while in police custody from which he has been released. The associ...